Twin Flames Passion In Aries Season

Aries Season has just begun and it's off to a passionate start for your Twin Flame journey, highlighting the firey, initiating energy of this Mars-ruled sign the This is a balancing time, given the nature of the Equinox, but it's equally a time of passion meeting new horizons of freedom.

There's forward-moving energy to whatever ignites your passion and purpose.

It might be time to look more honestly and reassess what it lights you up and grounds you, it's a good time for empowering and healing in your lower chakras and your personal way of expressing your creativity and sensual side as the Divine Feminine or the Divine Masculine.

Aries is a cardinal sign, the beginning initiator of the season ahead. Aries also initiates the astrological new year, as it is the first sign of the twelve in the zodiac.

If you want to know more about what fires you up, you may want to check out what zodiac sign the planet Mars is in in your birth chart, and its current transit placement in your Houses. Mars is the ruler of Aries and as such, there's a dominance of what are generally considered more masculine traits, although they'll be expressed through you as the Divine Masculine or the Divine Feminine in a unique way depending on your personal Soul Design. If you desire to discover more, you can always book a reading with Psychic Doreen to go deeper into clarity through your astrology.

Doreen is an expert in twin flames and is a master of manifesting the soul connection into physical connection. Located in Marina del Rey, Doreen also specializes in psychic, tarot and love readings.

Book your session if you're ready to embrace your Harmonious Twin Flame Union path, this work works and anyone including you is capable of doing it if you so desire.

Marina del Rey Psychic