Discovering the Benefits of Crystal Reading

Crystals reflect our emotions and feelings and each stone radiates a different energy and has its own vibration.

They can also be used as protection stones to help protect from negative energy and evil spirits.

Crystal readings focus on the energies which you will work with in the coming cycle of your life and guide you on how best to work with those coming energies.

There are different types of crystal readings, a crystal energy reading delves into your intuition exploring your chosen crystal energies in understanding what the deepest realms of your mind is trying to communicate and can also identify energy blocks which can inhibit your personal growth.

Crystal readings are a self-discovery tool that provides a better understanding of oneself, life lessons, and a discovery of the current opportunities available to shift, heal, and grow. Whether faced with seemingly unattainable goals, challenging issues or concerns, or any chronic conditions or faced with a life experience that seems to be going well, a crystal reading is like a mirror reflecting back with insights to illustrate choices available to you on your path. Free will is always in play.

Located in Marina Del Rey, Psychic Doreen specializes in crystal readings and healing. You can visit her daily at her office at 750 Washington Blvd. in Marina del Rey, CA 90292 or call at 310-277-LOVE.

The future is always subject to change, so use your crystal reading as a tool to help you make choices that will lead you towards your highest good.

Marina del Rey Psychic